A nest on the Net
Hi, I am Arun and live in India. I have great interest in web building and web developing. My this page will be helpfull for those surfers who have interest in web developing. |
friends , web page building and developing is as easy as consuming a bottle of COKE.Nothing is to be surprised It,s true. Once you have learnet HTML every thing becomes as easy as i described as COKE bottle.
Thanks to our friends who voulientere to teach you about all this. Remember HTML is a language. Our common Browsers can read this language easily.web pages you see on the INTERNET are written in HTML only. In this language every command should start with < and >.Matter between these <..> symbols will not be visible but the matter written between >?< will only be visible. This is known as TAG. A page comprises of so many TAGS..Once you will start learning, it will be very easy to learn. So first learn HTML.
(under< and > a href="http://members.theglobe.com/aruntiwari" My Hom
Things to remember
Friday, April 23, 1999